American Medical Sales and Repair (AMSR)
AMSR is the leading internet provider of portable oxygen concentrators and other respiratory related medical devices. Oxygen concentrators utilize a “molecular sieve” to trap nitrogen from the ambient air and pass up to 95% pure oxygen to patients requiring medical grade oxygen.
There is a growing segment of the population that suffers from COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) or other condition that causes their physician to prescribe oxygen. Traditionally these needs have been met by utilizing oxygen tanks. Patient mobility and air travel have driven the market to develop increasingly small, battery driven devices (down to 6 pounds) that provide oxygen to a patient on a continuous basis.
Investment Status:
Crescendo Capital Partners made a majority investment in AMSR in December 2009. The AMSR team is working daily to live up to the company mission of providing the widest array of respiratory products while delivering the highest level of customer service in the industry. Recent investments include implementing new computers, phone system, ERP system, the OxygenConcentratorStore website, and product financing options.